Here are a selection of the photos taken at our Annual Summer Fair, on Friday, 9th August ’24, where we had a wonderful turn out of families and friends & residents, along with a special visit from the Lord Mayor Jean Butcher & Lady Mayoress, Di Baldock, who had a wonderful time meeting everyone & joining in with the fun of the fair. We were also graced with the presence of a special four legged visitor, …. that of little “George” the Miniature Shetland Therapy Pony, who won everyone’s hearts!!
The afternoon also was host to the amazing Skiffle Band “Island Uke’s”, who did a fabulous job of entertaining us and getting everyone’s toes tapping!
Our Fair also offered traditional Fair Games, of Hook-a-Duck, funny Photo Booth, an exciting Tombola and a Coconut Shy!
There were plenty of drinks for all and a decadent home-made Cake stall. The afternoon ended with a good dance & a sing-along and our Grand Raffle!
The team at Lyndhurst would like to say a HUGE Thank you to all those who made this special event such a success, either by donating raffle prizes, baking cakes, or volunteering on the day!
We couldn’t have done it without you all.